D is for Dance

I chose dance to be my theme for the month because I am selfish. I really do want to learn more about dance, and I have. I had forgotten the versatility of the bunny hop. And yesterday I practiced the cha cha. 

There is a difference between learning about dance, learning how to dance, and dancing. I dance a lot in my head. That's good and it's bad. It's good because it's a pleasant diversion from the mundane rituals of a stay at home mom. But it's bad because in my head, I am a way better dancer than I actually am. But is that such a bad thing really? Am I harming anyone with my audacity to publicly bust a move. Okay, maybe shoving the 3 year old out of the way so I could dance with the Chic 'Fil-A cow mascot at the community egg hunt was taking it a bit too far. But in my defense, she was monopolizing the cow's time, and he was supposed to be there for everyone, right? Plus, the DJ was playing Party Rock. Party Rock?! You tell me how I was supposed to exercise any self-restraint under those circumstances?

Don't strike this pose
without a bright yellow
fedora. Otherwise, you might
look silly.
D is for dance.


  1. For what its worth - I wholeheartedly support your actions. if you need a character reference i can arrange some very reasonable rates.

    1. Thanks! For now I'm simply on probation for any events involving dancing cows, the Easter Bunny, 3 year olds, and snow cones. Unfortunately, in my line of work, those types of events are pretty much unavoidable.

  2. I'm such an awesome dancer in my head.

    1. I'm a much better dancer in my head too. But everyone should be able to dance with a cow at some point in their lives! And she's three, she'll never remember getting tossed aside so mom could get her cow dancing on. :D

    2. @Amelia - Yes, but I have a feeling you actually are an amesome dancer.

      @Amalie - That's what I'm sayin', right?

      ps - y'alls names are confusing when side-by-side.

    3. Why thank you, I'm more of a booty shaker these days, my 2 year old approves.
      I am very entertained by our names here! All the same letters! But in different places!! Amalie, how do you pronounce your name?

  3. I'll have to support the "I dance way better in my head" theme going here. And of course you were well within your rights to "arrange" some dance time with the cow.

    1. Yes, that's much better...I simply "arranged" some dance time...that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :o)

  4. Ok. I can't even dance in my head. I'm the guy on the dance floor who looks constipated!

    1. Oh no. That's not going to do at all. No *constipated face* on the dance floor for you. From here on out, you practice all the lessons in front of a mirror. That's your homework.

  5. in my head, i am legit the best dancer. in real life, i suck. simple as that. anyway, i love your blog! definately following!


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