"Why I Love Other Moms" Tuesdays

That's right, I am a trendy blogger and I am jumping into this blogging trend with both feet. Posts that are titled: "'Blah blah blah blah' day of the week". So, enjoy, fellow bloggers!

I really do love other moms, though. To me, they are fun, quirky people and I pretty much want to hug and embrace every one of them. Really. So, I am pretty confident that I can devote one post a week as to why I love other moms.

Tune in next week to find out what my sock drawer looks like.


  1. Hi! Found you on Buttons are not currency. . . who I found on Bitchy Waiter. I probably should get to work, but I just thought I should say HI. I thought this post was funny.

    love, mary a. www.giftoffat.com.

  2. Hi Mary! Okay, I love to think that my blog was helping you procrastinate work. :o)
    Thanks for the comment! Now get to work. (haha, J/K)


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