Q is for Quickie

Yes, I know that we are on letter 'P' for today, but I kind of got off track anyway. This is just a quick post to say thanks for all the comments and to those who have stopped by from the challenge. I'll be making my way over to your blog soon.

For everyone who is keeping up with the alphabet, hats off to you!

...and now, back to your regularly scheduled program......


  1. Cheater :). I was looking forward to a Q post about dancing. You made me look on up. Suzy Q anyone?

    1. *hanging head in shame*
      I totally wimped out. A post a day is a brutal pace.

      Suzy Q! Not bad at all. I had to do my research, but found some great how to videos to teach me the steps. :o)

  2. oh, I get it. the a to z is kicking my butt.


  3. We love you anyway, post when you can.


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